
Our Services

Blood Pressure Checks

Compliance Packaging

We are specialists in Medico Blister Packaging, a system designed to simplify all your prescription medication into one easy-to-use pack. Talk to us if you or a loved one has a lot of medication to take. Medication can be packed into weekly or monthly packs so that you can keep track of what to take and when to take them.

Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP)

If you (or a family member) has had unprotected sex and are worried about being pregnant, you may want to take an emergency contraceptive pill. This is also called the ‘morning after pill’. Our accredited Pharmacist, after a consultation, can dispense the ECP if appropriate for you.

When to take the emergency contraceptive pill

The emergency contraceptive pill will be most effective if you take it as soon as possible after unprotected sex. Within 24 hours is best, but it can prevent pregnancy if taken up to 120 hours (5 days) after sex.

The emergency contraceptive pill will not prevent pregnancy if taken any later than 120 hours after unprotected sex.

The ECP has been shown to prevent:

  • 95% of expected pregnancies when taken within 24 hours of sex
  • 85% if taken within 25–48 hours
  • 58% if taken within 49–72 hours

Possible Side effects:

Some women feel sick after taking the emergency contraceptive pill - it helps to take the pill with food. You may get breast tenderness, headaches, lower abdominal pain, dizziness or tiredness, but these should subside in a few days.

If you vomit within three hours of taking the emergency contraceptive pill, you will need another pill.

What happens next:

  • Use a barrier contraceptive (condoms) until your next period.
  • Your next period will probably come at the expected time, but it may be early or late, and it could be heavier than usual.
  • If you don’t get your next period, or it is very light, you should have a pregnancy test


  • You can still take the emergency contraceptive pill if you’re on a course of antibiotics.
  • The ECP does not protect against sexually transmitted infections nor is intended as being an ongoing form of contraception.
  • The emergency contraceptive pill is generally safe to take while breastfeeding – but check with your doctor if you’re concerned.

INR blood testing

If you take Warfarin for anti-coagulation it is important to have the right warfarin dose for you. This gentle blood test will give an immediate result and your next warfarin dose given without delay. Just call into the Pharmacy for your test at any time.

Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

At Moturoa Pharmacy we have a 'confidential service' to provide treatment for men aged 35-70 years with erectile dysfunction (ED). Some men should not take ED medicine, e.g. men on certain medicines, or men who have had a recent heart attack or stroke, so we will ask questions about your health to ensure the drug is appropriate for you. We will also check your heart health, including taking your blood pressure. The first consultation with the pharmacist will take about 20 minutes, and repeat supplies will take about 5 minutes.

UTI Treatment

Urinary tract infections (Cystitis or Bladder Infections) occur when bacteria infect the bladder and urinary tract causing inflammation and irritation of the lining.  UTI’s can be painful, our Accredited pharmacist can supply an antibiotic, trimethoprim, without prescription to women between the ages of 16 and 65 who are not pregnant and who have not taken a course of antibiotics within the previous six months.

Advice and free delivery

With our extensive expertise in Pharmacy we can offer help and advice to patients for all medication, including temporary and long term conditions. We also provide a free home delivery service. 

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